The ticket office is on:
Azienda Agricola F.lli Dragone
Contrada Petrapenta
Strada Provinciale Fondo Valle del Bradano sulla SS7 Appia
GPS coordinates: latitude 40.618611 longitude 16.557006
(Click on the image to zoom in on a new page)
To reach the crypt by car:
from Matera - Altamura e Santeramo in Colle (Bari) - Laterza (Taranto):
Take SS 7 direction Potenza-Metaponto; 200 metres after gas station "Grifo Gas" (SS7 - km 564) turn right and follow the sign "Cripta del Peccato Originale"
To reach the Crypt by car from Matera you need 15 minutes.
from Potenza - SS 407 Basentana - SS 106 Jonica:
On SS 7 direction Matera, after "Ponte Veronica", (SS 7 km 562), turn right, take the underpass and follow the sign "Cripta del Peccato Originale".
Map to reach the ticket office (link: